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Pig Farm Co-ops & Crop FarmS

Supporting pig farms co-ops and crop farms – The pig farm co-ops enhance the income of impoverished women to pay children’s school fees, purchase needed medicine and aid with general living expanses. One sow can produce as many as 20 piglets a year. These piglets quickly grow to 200 pounds in 6 months and fetch a good price at the market. The women build the shelter and Giving Hope And Nurturing Abroad assisted with roofing the shelter, purchasing the initial group of pigs and feed to get the farm started. Two pig farm co-ops have been started.

The Crop Farms give women an opportunity to start individual or community farms. Many women in the rural communities have experience farming, but lack the land and crops to generate any significant income. Giving Hope And Nurturing Abroad assisted a group of widows to establish a crop farm by providing the necessary funds for plowing the land, the seed (corn and soybeans) and the fertilizers.

Finishing touches are put on the construction of farm.